Email Delivery Matters

Boosting deliverability, opens, and CTRs

Amanda Payne avatar
Written by Amanda Payne
Updated over a week ago

Psst. Here's the truth about email delivery.

No email service provider (ESP), including tinyAlbert, can guarantee delivery rates. But that doesn't mean we stop trying. We're always looking for ways to improve delivery.

That's why our platform is built on a foundation of best practices. Understanding the evolving email industry landscape helps us implement infrastructure changes that generate the highest possible delivery rates. Here are some of the things we do to keep our platform healthy.

Use proper email authentication

tinyAlbert uses email authentication protocols such as SPF, DKIM, and DMARC to prove to email providers that the messages we send are legitimate and not spam.

Optimize templates

tinyAlbert regularly releases new templates that incorporate the latest and greatest best practices. All templates are built to optimize layout and reduce the chances of being flagged as spam. For instance, we avoid certain keywords or phrases commonly associated with spam (e.g. Dear friend or I'm the CEO of the Bank of Nigeria). To help customers improve open rates, we offer an AI tool to write effective subject lines.

Monitor deliverability

tinyAlbert uses monitoring tools to track delivery statistics and identify issues that may be affecting deliverability. This allows our team to take corrective action quickly and minimize any negative impact on delivery rates.

Maintain list hygiene

BTW, our customers have a role to play, too, and I encourage everyone to use list hygiene best practices. That means reducing the number of sends to audience members who do not open or engage with your emails. Email your most engaged and recent clients often. Email older email addresses less frequently or perhaps not at all. Try to clean your list or segment every 90 days.

That's it for now.

Feel free to contact the support team if you have any questions about email delivery rates and best practices.

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