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Bulk Import Subscribers
Bulk Import Subscribers

Build up your list

Amanda Payne avatar
Written by Amanda Payne
Updated over a week ago

Importing contacts into a new or existing tinyAlbert audience just got a lot easier. Our AI-assisted tool simplifies the work by automatically matching labels and finding data errors. You must try this time saver if you have dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of records to import.

A different article shows you how to add subscribers to a new or existing audience manually. This is a better option if you need to import a few records. Click here to learn more.

Importing to a new audience

This step shows you how to bulk upload records into a new audience with a CSV file.

You can upload a CSV file (maximum file size 10 MB) with any number of rows as long as each row has one record. No other file formats (e.g. txt) are accepted.

Go to the tinyAlbert dashboard and click Audience on the side menu. Click the Import Audience button.

In the popup window:

  1. Enter a unique name for the new audience.

  2. Check the box to confirm that you have permission to send email messages to these contacts.

  3. Download the sample CSV file. (see below)

  4. Click Continue.

tinyAlbert email marketing audience name

Creating records

Download the sample CSV file from the Upload new audience popup window. You could use Excel to open the CSV file (and convert the data to save the column structure), but honestly, it's a lot easier to use Google Sheets.

  1. Open Google Sheets.

  2. Use the Import feature to load the CSV file from your device.

  3. Add rows of data to the sheet. Each row is one record. Be sure to enter a value for the required field. (see below)

  4. Rename the file. (optional)

  5. Download the file to your device as a CSV (File > Download > CSV).

tinyAlbert upload new subscribers

Required fields

The Email cell is the only required field. The other columns are optional.

Uploading the file

On the Import Subscribers page, click the Upload data from file button. Locate the CSV file on your device and import the document. tinyAlbert uploads the records. Now, you're ready to map fields.

tinyAlbert email marketing audience upload

Mapping fields

The next page displays a table for each column in the CSV file. Each table has a data label (e.g. Email) and three sample records (e.g. email addresses). Your job is to confirm the content in the table (e.g. email addresses) matches the column label (e.g. Email).

  • If the content matches the label, click the Confirm mapping button.

  • If the content does not match the label, click the label field and select the correct label on the drop-down menu.

  • If a table has no data to map, click the Ignore this column button.

Repeat the steps for each table (e.g. First Name, Last Name, etc.). When the mapping work is complete, click the Review button at the bottom of the page.

If the AI detects a data error, it displays a message. You can stop now, fix the mistakes in the CSV file, restart the import process, or go to the next page and fix the errors.

tinyAlbert email marketing audience mapping

Fixing errors

The next page shows your records and errors, if any. The AI looks for duplicates, incorrect data formats, and inconsistent information and highlights the cells. Hover the mouse on a highlighted cell to see the error.

  • To filter the table, check the box to show rows with errors.

tinyAlbert email marketing audience data error

Some errors (like a badly formed email address or missing address) can be fixed directly on this page. Double-click a cell and change the value (or add a missing value).

Some errors cannot (like a duplicate record) be fixed on this page. In those cases, click the X in the corner to close the window, go back to the CSV file, and fix the errors. Upload the file again and restart the import process.

Optionally, click the Upload Rows Without Errors button. You can create a new audience and upload the records without errors. Complete the import later by adding the repaired records to the newly created audience.

When the records are error-free, the AI displays the All rows pass validation! message. Click the Upload button.

tinyAlbert email marketing audience validate

Confirming the upload

After you click Upload, tinyAlbert displays the audience page. You can see a list of subscribers and engagement data once you start using the audience.

tinyAlbert email marketing audience import results

Uploading records to an existing audience

You can use the bulk import tool to import new subscribers to an existing audience. This is a useful feature if you don't want to create a new audience. Another use case is when you create a new audience, but the CSV file has some errors. You decide to import the records without errors (using the Upload Rows Without Errors button) and come back later to finish the import after updating the CSV file.

To bulk upload to an existing manual audience:

  1. Open the Audience page.

  2. Click an audience name.

  3. Click Import.

The Import Subscribers page displays. Now, you can import subscribers with the bulk import tool and CSV (see above) or enter subscribers manually (click here to learn how).

That's it.

Now you know how to bulk import an audience.

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