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What is a Hero Image?
What is a Hero Image?

A key part of the message puzzle

Amanda Payne avatar
Written by Amanda Payne
Updated over a week ago

A different article shows you how to place your favourite hero image inside tinyAlbert campaign messages and automations. Use this uber-cool feature to add branding and personalisation to your messaging.

Maybe we should step back and ask, "What is a hero image anyway?"

What is a hero image?

On a basic level, hero images are hard-to-miss attention grabbers. But it's a bit more than that. These images fit into a broader design aesthetic that uses visual hierarchy to capture reader attention and motivate action.

  1. Grab the reader by the scruff with high-quality images.

  2. Pique interest with a crisp copy.

  3. Make it easy to engage with a clear CTA.

tinyAlbert hero image feature

Are hero images important for email marketers?

Yes. On a scale of 1 to 10, I'd say eleven.

What kind of images?

The best images for any messaging really depend on individual goals. For instance, are you selling a brand or a pitching lifestyle?

When looking for the best hero images for your messages, it might be helpful to imagine that images come in four groups:

  • Product images

  • Contextual images

  • Famous founders

  • Non-contextual images

Food for thought.

Research suggests product images generate the best returns. In one report, 67% of surveyed consumers said good product images were more important than other content (e.g. ratings or long-form copy) when it comes to e-commerce buying decisions.

Hero image wrap

I hope you take advantage of the Hero Image feature and, at the very least, give it a test run. You might be pleasantly surprised by the results.

Let me know.

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