View Campaign Data

See message clicks and opens

Amanda Payne avatar
Written by Amanda Payne
Updated over a week ago

Can I see a list of emails that opened the campaign?

No, we don't generate a detailed list of the email addresses that opened a campaign message. But you can review summary statistics on opens, sends, and clicks.

  1. Click Campaigns.

  2. Click the Statistics tab. The page shows your general statistics.

tinyAlbert email marketing campaigns stats dashboard

Optionally, you can explore the data for a specific past campaign.

  1. Click the Past Campaigns tab.

  2. Locate a campaign and click the three-dot icon.

  3. Select Information. A popup displays.

tinyAlbert email marketing campaign information

The popup shows clicks and opens (plus other data) for that past campaign.

tinyAlbert campaign clicks and opens data

That's it.

If you have any data questions, contact our support team 24/7.

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