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Do you need a web admin to create a website pop-up form?
Do you need a web admin to create a website pop-up form?

Not if you know what you're doing

Amanda Payne avatar
Written by Amanda Payne
Updated over a week ago

If you're new to the email marketing industry, then you need to add a few tools to your toolkit. A list-building pop-up form is one of them.

Is that a lot of work? No, not really, and in almost every case, you never need to hire a techie to do the install, but there are a few steps to complete.

If you're using tinyAlbert, managing sign-up forms is a snap. We do all the back-end work so you can get a live pop-up going with a few clicks. Learn more here.

The effort required to load a pop-up form on a website can vary depending on several factors, including the complexity of the form, the content management system (CMS) being used, the web development skills of the administrator, and the tools or plugins available. Here's a general breakdown of the steps involved.

1. Choose a Form Builder or Plugin

You'll need to select a form builder or pop-up plugin. There are lots of options available. Many of them, like Sumo (as one example), have free and paid plans.

2. Install the Form Builder or Plugin

If you're using a content management system like WordPress, you can typically install plugins directly from the dashboard. Go to the Plugins section and click Add New. Use the search bar to find a form builder or pop-up plugin. Install and activate the one you want.

tinyAlbert makes it easy to place a sign up form on your site.

3. Create Your Pop-Up Form

After installing the form builder or plugin, create a pop-up form. The steps involved can vary with each app, but generally, you'll need to:

  • Define the fields you want to include in the form (e.g. name, email, message).

  • Customize the appearance and design of the form (e.g. colours, fonts, size).

  • Set up the form's behaviour, including when and how it should appear (e.g. on page load, after a specific time, on exit intent).

4. Set Display Rules

Most pop-up plugins let you define rules that control when and where the pop-up appears. For instance, you can set it to show on specific pages, posts, or site sections. You can also configure triggers like exit intent, scrolling behaviour, or time delay.

5. Preview and Test

Before taking the pop-up form live on your website, it's always a good idea to preview your work. Make sure it looks, displays well, and works as intended. Test the form on different devices and browsers to check for responsiveness and functionality.

6. Publish the Pop-Up Form

Once you're satisfied with the design and functionality, make it live on your website. Save your changes and ensure that the pop-up is enabled.

7. Monitor and Optimize

After deploying the pop-up form, monitor its performance through analytics and user feedback. Use the data to optimize the form's content, appearance, and triggers to improve its effectiveness.

Last thought

Adding a popup form to a site ain't rocket science. If you know what you're doing (especially if you're working with a WordPress site), expect an hour or so to add, customize, and test. Complex forms can take longer, especially if you need to customize and integrate with third-party tools.

Try not to overload your website with pop-ups, as it may negatively impact the user experience. A well-designed and strategically placed pop-up form can be a valuable tool for lead generation and engagement on your website.

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